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GGE analysis and stability of traits in tomato cultivars grown under organic farming conditions: A two-year study
Horticultural Plant Journal ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.hpj.2023.09.009
Pasquale Tripodi , Salvador Soler , Gabriele Campanelli , María R. Figàs , Cristina Casanova , Elena Soler , Sara Sestili , Aldo Bertone , Teodoro Cardi , Jaime Prohens

The increasing conversion of agricultural land to organic farming requires the development of specifically adapted cultivars. So far, in tomato there is lack of research for selection of germplasm suitable for sustainable agroecosystems. In this study, we investigated the genotypic and environmental factors affecting the variation of plant, fruits, and root traits in 39 tomato genotypes grown under organic farming conditions. Four independent experiments were conducted in Italy and Spain across two consecutive seasons in 2019 and 2020. For all traits, the factorial linear regression model to estimate the main effects of genotype (G), location (L), year of cultivation (Y) and their interactions, revealed highly significant (P < 0.001) variations, with the G factor being largely predominant for most traits. The implementation of the “which-won-where”, “mean performance versus stability” and “discriminative vs representativeness” patterns in the GGE (Genotype plus Genotype by Environment interaction) analysis, allowed the identification of superior cultivars with high stability across the testing environments. Genomic characterization with 30 890 high quality SNPs from ddRADseq genotyping analysis, revealed that a specific cluster of cherry tomato accessions were low performing in terms of yield and fruit weight, on the contrary, showed a high content of soluble solids, which in agreement with GGE analysis. Results of this study provide a framework for the potential use of this locally adapted tomato germplasm to address the needs of more sustainable agriculture.


有机农业条件下生长的番茄品种的 GGE 分析和性状稳定性:一项为期两年的研究

农业用地越来越多地转变为有机农业,这需要开发专门适应的栽培品种。到目前为止,在番茄中,缺乏选择适合可持续农业生态系统的种质的研究。在这项研究中,我们调查了在有机农业条件下生长的 39 种番茄基因型中影响植物、果实和根系性状变化的基因型和环境因素。在 2019 年和 2020 年连续两个赛季在意大利和西班牙进行了四次独立实验。对于所有性状,用于估计基因型 (G)、位置 (L)、栽培年份 (Y) 及其相互作用的主要影响的因子线性回归模型揭示了高度显著 (P < 0.001) 的变异,其中 G 因子在大多数性状中占主导地位。在 GGE(基因型加环境相互作用的基因型)分析中实施 “which-won-where”、“mean performance versus stability” 和 “discriminative vs representativeness” 模式,允许在测试环境中识别出具有高稳定性的优质品种。使用 ddRADseq 基因分型分析的 30 890 个高质量 SNP 进行基因组表征,结果显示,特定簇的樱桃番茄种质在产量和果实重量方面表现不佳,相反,可溶性固形物含量高,这与 GGE 分析一致。这项研究的结果为可能使用这种适应当地的番茄种质来满足更可持续农业的需求提供了一个框架。