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Filamentary keratitis: A review
The Ocular Surface ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtos.2024.06.001
Aravind Roy 1 , Smruti Rekha Priyadarshini 2 , Sujata Das 2

Filamentary keratitis (FK) is a clinical sign of underlying ocular and systemic conditions. FK can cause significant irritation, tearing, and photophobia in the eye. It is a refractory debilitating condition caused by dry eye that affects the day-to-day activities of patients. The etiopathogenesis of FK is not well known; there are numerous predisposing causes. The condition starts as a sub-epithelial or Bowman's membrane dysfunction and leads to the shedding of epithelial cells that take a strand-like form and attach to the cornea. These strands are surrounded by mucin and continue to elongate to become filaments. The filament formation is further aided by the shearing action caused by eyelid movements. Several management approaches, such as addressing the underlying causes of filamentary keratitis, administering copious lubricants, topical corticosteroids, mucolytic agents, bandage contact lenses, punctal plugs, and mechanical removal of filaments are available. The prognosis is fair, and most cases resolve with occasional recurrences. Traditionally FK has been treated with lubricants, mechanical removal, and bandage contact lenses. The newer treatments are topical immunomodulators especially that treat filamentary keratitis associated with aqueous deficient dry eye. The review describes the treatment as well as pathogenesis.



丝状角膜炎(FK)是潜在眼部和全身疾病的临床症状。 FK 会导致眼睛明显刺激、流泪和畏光。这是一种由干眼引起的难治性衰弱疾病,影响患者的日常活动。 FK 的发病机制尚不清楚;有许多诱发因素。这种情况始于上皮下或鲍曼膜功能障碍,导致上皮细胞脱落,呈链状附着在角膜上。这些链被粘蛋白包围并继续伸长成为细丝。眼睑运动引起的剪切作用进一步有助于细丝的形成。有几种治疗方法可供选择,例如解决丝状角膜炎的根本原因、给予大量润滑剂、外用皮质类固醇、粘液溶解剂、绷带隐形眼镜、泪点塞和机械去除丝状体。预后良好,大多数病例会痊愈,但偶尔会复发。传统上,FK 的处理方法有润滑剂、机械去除和绷带隐形眼镜。较新的治疗方法是局部免疫调节剂,尤其是治疗与水液缺乏性干眼症相关的丝状角膜炎。该综述描述了治疗方法和发病机制。