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Pioneering research has a new home in a trusted place
Reports on Progress in Physics ( IF 19.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-20 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6633/ad543a
David Gevaux

After 90 years of publishing authoritative reviews, Reports on Progress in Physics is today publishing its first primary research papers. The beginning, we hope, of the journal’s evolution into a showcase of the most impactful, ground-breaking and just fascinating physical-science research; a journal that builds trust through rigorous peer review and gives back to the communities we serve. Investing 100% of our funds back into science, we are committed to achieving all of this on a not-for-profit basis that puts science and scientists first.



在发表权威评论 90 年后,《物理学进展报告》今天发表了第一篇主要研究论文。我们希望,这是该期刊发展成为最具影响力、开创性和最引人入胜的物理科学研究的展示的开始;一本通过严格的同行评审建立信任并回馈我们所服务的社区的期刊。我们将 100% 的资金重新投资于科学,并致力于在非营利的基础上实现所有这一切,将科学和科学家放在第一位。