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Accretion of warm chondrules in weakly metamorphosed ordinary chondrites and their subsequent reprocessing
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2024.05.031
Alex M. Ruzicka , Richard C. Hugo , Jon M. Friedrich , Michael T. Ream

To better understand chondrite accretion and subsequent processes, the textures, crystallography, deformation, and compositions of some chondrite constituents in ten lithologies of different cluster texture strength were studied in seven weakly metamorphosed (Type 3) and variably shocked ordinary chondrites (Ragland—LL3 S1, Tieschitz—H/L3 S1, NWA 5421—LL3 S2, NWA 5205—LL3 S2, NWA 11905—LL3-5 S3, NWA 5781—LL3 S3, NWA 11351—LL3-6 S4) using optical and electron microscopy and microtomography techniques.



为了更好地了解球粒陨石的增生和后续过程,对 7 种弱变质(类型 3)和不同冲击的普通球粒陨石(Ragland-LL3 S1)中的 10 种不同簇结构强度的岩性中的一些球粒陨石成分的结构、晶体学、变形和成分进行了研究。 、Tieschitz—H/L3 S1、NWA 5421—LL3 S2、NWA 5205—LL3 S2、NWA 11905—LL3-5 S3、NWA 5781—LL3 S3、NWA 11351—LL3-6 S4),使用光学和电子显微镜和显微断层扫描技术。