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Milling efficiency and wear behavior of silicon grinding media in autogenous stirred media milling
Minerals Engineering ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2024.108785
Marcel Filipe Möller , Christoph Peppersack , Arno Kwade

This study investigates the wear mechanisms and milling efficiency of silicon as grinding media for autogenous stirred media milling. Fresh autogenous grinding media (aGM) showed an exponentially decreasing wear rate first, while becoming constant at longer grinding times. The wear rate of used aGM was constant throughout the whole milling experiment. Shape and size analysis revealed that chipping and abrasion mechanisms dominate the wear behavior. These mechanisms led to spheroidization of the aGM. The grinding media concentration was introduced as measure for the energy transfer from the stirrer to the product particles. This concept was used for weighting the specific energy consumption. Nanoparticles of around 150 nm were obtained with similar weighted specific energy consumptions, while used aGM performed most efficiently due to their spheroidized shape. Finally, spheroidized aGM still consumed more weighted specific energy than conventional grinding media. However, a direct comparison was difficult due to the different material properties of the grinding media.



本研究研究了硅作为自搅拌介质铣削研磨介质的磨损机制和铣削效率。新鲜的自生研磨介质(aGM)首先表现出磨损率呈指数下降,同时在较长的研磨时间下变得恒定。在整个铣削实验中,所用 aGM 的磨损率是恒定的。形状和尺寸分析表明,碎裂和磨损机制主导着磨损行为。这些机制导致 aGM 球化。引入研磨介质浓度作为从搅拌器到产品颗粒的能量传递的量度。该概念用于对特定能源消耗进行加权。获得约 150 nm 的纳米粒子时具有相似的加权比能量消耗,而使用的 aGM 由于其球状形状而表现最有效。最后,球化 aGM 仍然比传统研磨介质消耗更多的加权比能。然而,由于研磨介质的材料特性不同,直接比较很困难。