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Peri-urbanisation and land conflicts in Domboshava, Zimbabwe
Land Use Policy ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2024.107222
Caroline Paidamoyo Mudapakati , Elmond Bandauko , Joel Chaeruka , Godwin Arku

Domboshava, a peri-urban community located approximately 26 kilometres from Harare, is undergoing rapid transformation in its social, economic, and spatial characteristics. This paper investigates the land conflicts that have emerged because of these socio-economic and spatial transformations. The research utilizes a mixed methods approach, incorporating interviews with Local authority officials, representatives from the Department of Spatial Planning and Development (DSPD), and village heads. Additionally, a survey was conducted with 50 communal households to explore their perceptions of land-related conflicts in the area. The study also involves an analysis of Google maps and density analysis of GIS maps to examine land use changes. The findings indicate that the conversion of farmland into urban-related land uses is contributing to illegal land sales in Domboshava, driven by the increasing pressure to accommodate the growing population. These changes have triggered land conflicts that manifest in different categories: individual-individual, institutional-institutional and individual-institutional conflicts. We recommend that the local planning authority, in collaboration with the central government, develop containment and management policies and strategies tailored to the unique challenges of peri-urbanization and land conflicts in Domboshava. The use of GIS technology is crucial in this process to accurately map and analyze the spatial dynamics of these issues. This will go a long way in creating sustainable peri-urban communities.



东博沙瓦 (Domboshava) 是一个距离哈拉雷约 26 公里的城郊社区,其社会、经济和空间特征正在经历快速转型。本文调查了由于这些社会经济和空间转型而出现的土地冲突。该研究采用混合方法,采访了地方当局官员、空间规划和发展部 (DSPD) 的代表以及村长。此外,还对 50 个社区家庭进行了一项调查,探讨他们对该地区与土地相关的冲突的看法。该研究还涉及对谷歌地图的分析和 GIS 地图的密度分析,以检查土地利用的变化。调查结果表明,由于容纳不断增长的人口的压力越来越大,农田转变为与城市相关的土地用途正在导致东博沙瓦的非法土地出售。这些变化引发了土地冲突,表现为不同类型:个人与个人、制度与制度、个人与制度的冲突。我们建议地方规划部门与中央政府合作,制定针对东博沙瓦周边城市化和土地冲突的独特挑战的遏制和管理政策和战略。在此过程中,GIS 技术的使用对于准确绘制和分析这些问题的空间动态至关重要。这对于创建可持续的城郊社区将大有帮助。