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Physical Activity Promotion on Private School Websites: The Case of Maryland
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-17 , DOI: 10.1123/jtpe.2023-0008
David Kahan 1 , Thomas L. McKenzie 2 , Maya Satnick 2 , Olivia Hansen 2

Purpose: Content analysis of school websites may reveal the degree to which schools value physical education (PE) and physical activity (PA). We used the approach to quantify Maryland’s private school websites’ PE/PA content and associations with school characteristics. Method: The analytic sample (n = 387) was examined for mention of PE-/PA-related content (e.g., curriculum, dosage, intramurals). Associations between content and school characteristics (e.g., grade levels offered, religious orientation) were examined using Pearson’s chi-squared test. Results: PE (∼75% of school websites) was mentioned most frequently, and PA images and PE curriculum (∼30% each) were mentioned least frequently. Elementary and Catholic school websites were proportionately less and more likely, respectively, to mention various PE/PA content. Discussion/Conclusion: Representation of PE/PA content among Maryland’s private schools surpassed that found in previous studies. Nonetheless, relative omission of some content may allude to PE/PA being less valued compared with other academic subjects. Follow-up with stakeholders may help elucidate factors that influence content gatekeeping.



目的:学校网站的内容分析可以揭示学校重视体育教育(PE)和体育活动(PA)的程度。我们使用该方法来量化马里兰州私立学校网站的体育/体育内容以及与学校特征的关联。方法:检查分析样本 (n = 387) 是否提及 PE-/PA 相关内容(例如课程、剂量、壁内内容)。使用皮尔逊卡方检验检查内容和学校特征(例如提供的年级、宗教取向)之间的关联。结果:体育(约 75% 的学校网站)被提及最频繁,PA 图像和体育课程(各约 30%)被提及最少。小学和天主教学校网站提及各种 PE/PA 内容的比例分别较低和较高。讨论/结论:马里兰州私立学校体育/体育活动内容的代表性超过了之前的研究结果。尽管如此,某些内容的相对省略可能暗示与其他学科相比,PE/PA 的价值较低。利益相关者的跟进可能有助于阐明影响内容把关的因素。
