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Validation of a Common Content Knowledge Test for Hiking and Camping
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-31 , DOI: 10.1123/jtpe.2023-0203
Mert Bilgiç 1 , Alkan Uğurlu 2 , Erhan Devrilmez 3 , Fatih Dervent 4 , Phillip Ward 5

Purpose: This study aimed to develop a valid and reliable hiking and camping common content knowledge test for Turkish preservice physical education teachers. Method: Participants were 305 physical education students who had previously completed hiking and camping content course in Physical Education Teacher Education. The researchers followed five steps to develop the test. The Rasch model was utilized for data analysis. Results: Findings showed a good item model fit for all items, except Item 4. Results also indicated that the developed test had high internal consistency for both item difficulty and person ability. Overall, the test findings demonstrated good evidence to support the validity and reliability of hiking and camping common content knowledge test. Discussion/Conclusion: The developed test can be used for measuring hiking and camping knowledge level of physical education teachers and Physical Education Teacher Education students.



目的:本研究旨在为土耳其职前体育教师开发有效且可靠的远足和露营通用内容知识测试。方法:参与者为 305 名曾完成体育教师教育远足和露营内容课程的体育学生。研究人员按照五个步骤来开发测试。 Rasch模型用于数据分析。结果:结果显示,项目模型适合除项目 4 之外的所有项目。结果还表明,所开发的测试在项目难度和人员能力方面均具有较高的内部一致性。总体而言,测试结果提供了良好的证据来支持徒步旅行和露营通用内容知识测试的有效性和可靠性。讨论/结论:所开发的测试可用于衡量体育教师和体育师范生徒步露营知识水平。
