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Probing primordial black hole scenarios with terrestrial gravitational wave detectors
Classical and Quantum Gravity ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-19 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ad5488
Guillem Domenech , Misao Sasaki

It is possible that primordial black holes (PBHs) constitute (or constituted) a significant fraction of the energy budget of our Universe. Terrestrial gravitational wave detectors offer the opportunity to test the existence of PBHs in two different mass ranges, from 102g1016g to 106M100M . The first mass window is open via induced gravitational waves, and the second one is by gravitational waves from binary mergers. In this review, we outline and explain the different gravitational wave signatures of PBHs that may be probed by terrestrial gravitational wave detectors, such as the current LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA and future ones like Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer. We mainly focus on the associated Gravitational Wave background signals and provide rough estimates for their typical frequency and amplitude. We also discuss complementary probes for these PBH mass ranges.



原初黑洞(PBH)可能构成(或构成)我们宇宙能量预算的很大一部分。地球引力波探测器提供了测试两个不同质量范围(从 102g−1016g 到 10−6M⊙−100M⊙)的 PBH 是否存在的机会。第一个质量窗口是通过诱导引力波打开的,第二个质量窗口是通过双星合并产生的引力波打开的。在这篇综述中,我们概述并解释了可能被地球引力波探测器探测到的 PBH 的不同引力波特征,例如当前的 LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA 以及未来的爱因斯坦望远镜和宇宙探测器。我们主要关注相关的引力波背景信号,并对其典型频率和幅度提供粗略估计。我们还讨论了这些 PBH 质量范围的互补探针。