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Beyond attachment theory: Indigenous perspectives on the child–caregiver bond from a northwest tribal community
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-18 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14127
Sara F Waters 1, 2 , Meenakshi Richardson 2 , Sara R Mills 2 , Alvina Marris 3 , Fawn Harris 1 , Myra Parker 4

Healthy Indigenous child development is grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing and being. Attachment theory has been influential in understanding the significance of parenting for infant development in Western science but has focused on child–caregiver bonds predominantly within the parent–child dyad. To bring forth Indigenous perspectives regarding understandings of parenting, the attachment bond, and the well-being of Indigenous children, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 28 members of a Northwest tribal community (21 female) in spring and summer 2020. Themes included Community caregiving, Family value systems, Bonding, Traditional teachings, and Historical trauma. The need to expand the lens of attachment theory beyond the dyad is clear. Implications for improving the child welfare system and prevention programs within Indigenous communities are discussed.



原住民儿童的健康发展以原住民的认知和存在方式为基础。在西方科学中,依恋理论对于理解养育对婴儿发展的重要性产生了影响,但主要关注的是亲子二人组中的儿童与照顾者之间的关系。为了表达原住民对养育、依恋纽带和原住民儿童福祉的理解,我们在 2020 年春季和夏季对西北部落社区的 28 名成员(21 名女性)进行了半结构化访谈。主题包括社区护理、家庭价值体系、纽带、传统教义和历史创伤。显然,有必要将依恋理论的视角扩展到二元之外。讨论了改善土著社区内儿童福利制度和预防计划的影响。