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Unified Simulation Platform for Interference Microscopy
ACS Photonics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-17 , DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.4c00621
Felix Hitzelhammer 1, 2, 3 , Anežka Dostálová 2, 3, 4 , Ilia Zykov 2, 3 , Barbara Platzer 2, 3 , Clara Conrad-Billroth 2, 3 , Thomas Juffmann 2, 3 , Ulrich Hohenester 1

Interferometric scattering microscopy is a powerful technique that enables various applications, such as mass photometry and particle tracking. Here, we present a numerical toolbox to simulate images obtained in interferometric scattering, coherent bright-field, and dark-field microscopies. The scattered fields are calculated using a boundary element method, facilitating the simulation of arbitrary sample geometries and substrate layer structures. A fully vectorial model is used for simulating the imaging setup. We demonstrate excellent agreement between our simulations and experiments for different shapes of scatterers and excitation angles. Notably, for angles near the Brewster angle, we observe a contrast enhancement which may be beneficial for nanosensing applications. The software is available as a matlab toolbox.



干涉散射显微镜是一种强大的技术,可实现各种应用,例如质量光度测定和粒子跟踪。在这里,我们提出了一个数值工具箱来模拟干涉散射、相干明场和暗场显微镜中获得的图像。使用边界元方法计算散射场,便于模拟任意样品几何形状和基底层结构。全矢量模型用于模拟成像设置。我们证明了对于不同形状的散射体和激发角的模拟和实验之间具有良好的一致性。值得注意的是,对于接近布鲁斯特角的角度,我们观察到对比度增强,这可能有利于纳米传感应用。该软件可作为 matlab 工具箱使用。