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Development of the Vietnamese Rape Myths Acceptance Scales: A Web-Based Survey of Young Adults
Archives of Sexual Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10508-024-02893-7
Irina Bergenfeld , Katherine M. Anderson , Quach Thu Trang , Yuk Fai Cheong , Tran Hung Minh , Alison T. Hoover , Kathryn M. Yount

Rape myths—false but widely held beliefs that serve to deny and justify sexual aggression—present a major barrier to reporting and prevention of sexual violence in Vietnam and globally. Based on a parent study aimed at reducing sexual violence at two universities in Hanoi, we developed and assessed a contextualized measure of rape myths among young people in Vietnam. Items from previously validated rape myth acceptance (RMA) scales and data from qualitative research informed the development of 50 items, which were administered to Vietnamese 18–24-year-olds (n = 2,756 total, n = 1,798 cisgender women) via an anonymous link in February 2021. We used factor analysis to explore and test factor structure and multi-group factor analysis to assess measurement equivalence across gender. We calculated item-level discrimination and difficulty parameters and visualized information curves using item response theory analysis, informing the development of a short form. Four hypothesized subconstructs identified in the qualitative data emerged as factors: (1) “He didn’t mean to”; (2) “She asked for it”; (3) “It wasn’t really rape”; and (4) “Rape is a deviant event.” A fifth factor, “She didn’t protect herself,” included four items from formative data. Confirming formative findings and prior literature, cisgender women had lower RMA than cisgender men, particularly on items related to victim-blaming. The Vietnamese Rape Myths Acceptance Scales were internally consistent and equivalent between cisgender men and women, capturing elements specific to the Vietnamese context and providing a tool for campus climate surveys and evaluations of sexual violence prevention programs.



强奸神话——错误但广泛持有的信念,旨在否认性侵犯并为性侵犯辩护——是越南和全球报告和预防性暴力的主要障碍。基于河内两所大学旨在减少性暴力的家长研究,我们制定并评估了越南年轻人中强奸神话的情境衡量标准。先前验证的强奸神话接受度 (RMA) 量表中的项目和定性研究的数据为 50 个项目的开发提供了信息,这些项目通过匿名者对 18-24 岁的越南人(总共 2,756 名,n = 1,798 名顺性别女性)进行测试链接于 2021 年 2 月。我们使用因子分析来探索和测试因子结构,并使用多组因子分析来评估跨性别的测量等效性。我们计算了项目级别的区分度和难度参数,并使用项目响应理论分析可视化信息曲线,为简短形式的开发提供信息。定性数据中确定的四个假设子结构作为因素出现:(1)“他不是故意的”; (2)“她自找的”; (3)“这不是真正的强奸”; (4)“强奸是一种越轨事件。”第五个因素“她没有保护自己”,包括形成性数据中的四项。证实了形成性研究结果和之前的文献,顺性别女性的 RMA 低于顺性别男性,特别是在与受害者指责相关的项目上。越南强奸神话接受量表在顺性别男性和女性之间是内部一致和等效的,捕捉了越南具体情况的元素,并为校园气候调查和性暴力预防计划评估提供了工具。
