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Hungarian Hussars in Napoleon’s Campaign Against Russia
International Journal of Military History and Historiography ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-17 , DOI: 10.1163/24683302-bja10062
Attila Réfi 1

It is little known that Hungarian soldiers, including Hussars, took part in Napoleon’s 1812 campaign against Russia. Moreover, the four, and later five Hussar regiments assigned to the so-called Imperial-Royal Auxiliary Corps clearly played an important role in the activities of this Corps. During the campaign, the Hussars were mainly responsible for the tasks of reconnaissance and securing the march, which was vital as the Auxiliary Corps was operating deep in hostile and unknown territory. The Hussars, of course, also distinguished themselves in small and large engagements. As an indication of their prominent role, in October 1812 a fifth Hussar regiment was sent to the theatre of war to reinforce the Hussars. This shifted the balance of the Auxiliary Corps’ cavalry even further in favour of the Hussars. Their special importance was also reflected in the new order of battle which was then introduced. This meant that Hussars were assigned to more major military formations than before, a clear indication of their indispensability and the importance of their deployment.



鲜为人知的是,包括骠骑兵在内的匈牙利士兵参加了拿破仑 1812 年对俄罗斯的战役。此外,分配给所谓的帝国皇家辅助军的四个和后来的五个骠骑兵团显然在该军的活动中发挥了重要作用。战役期间,骠骑兵主要负责侦察和确保行军安全的任务,这对于辅助军深入敌对和未知领土时至关重要。当然,骠骑兵在大大小小的交战中也表现出色。为了体现他们的突出作用,1812 年 10 月,第五个骠骑兵团被派往战区以增援骠骑兵。这使得辅助军骑兵的平衡进一步有利于骠骑兵。它们的特殊重要性也反映在随后引入的新战斗序列中。这意味着骠骑兵被分配到比以前更多的主要军事编队中,这清楚地表明了他们的不可或缺性和部署的重要性。
