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Toward Enhancing the Surface Adhesion of Fluoropolymer-Based Coating Materials
Polymer Reviews ( IF 11.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-7-2 , DOI: 10.1080/15583724.2024.2352360
Marcel Roy B. Domalanta 1 , Eugene B. Caldona 1

Fluoropolymers have gained significant recognition mainly for their inertness, making them highly desirable for applications requiring corrosion protection and hydrophobicity. However, their non-reactive nature is a double-edged sword as it presents a challenge in achieving strong adhesion to substrates. This review delves into the intricacies of adhesion assessment and explores the current status and challenges of physical and chemical modification strategies, as well as innovative green solutions, and computational approaches to enhancing fluoropolymer adhesion. Physical modification techniques involve additives/fillers inclusion or inducing controlled surface roughness, providing anchor sites for polymer chains, whereas chemical strategies modify the polymer-substrate interface, reinforcing the interacting bonds for improved adhesion. Green solutions and sustainable practices highlight environment-friendly strategies for minimizing the ecological impact of fluoropolymer coatings without compromising their desirable properties. The potential of computational approaches in understanding the underlying adhesion mechanisms is also discussed as these methods enable material screening and complement in in situ and operando studies. Furthermore, this review envisions future studies to focus on the techno-economic feasibility of developing strongly adhering fluoropolymer coatings through collaboration efforts between industries and research academic institutions in bridging the gap between laboratory discoveries and real-world industrial implementation.


