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Loving salt
Nature Plants ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41477-024-01740-w
Guillaume Tena 1

The authors first show that high levels of salt spectacularly improve the growth of Salicornia bigelovii. The plant can accumulate impressive concentrations of ions in its tissues. Genome, transcriptome and membrane proteome were obtained and compared with other species, with a particular focus on the NHX family of sodium/proton antiporters. One member of this group, a plasma membrane protein named SOS1, is well known in other species for its role in salt tolerance, as it pumps sodium out of the cell towards the apoplast. But in Salicornia, SOS1 is curiously localized in the tonoplast and seems to be involved in Na+ sequestration within the cell, inside the vacuole.

Other NaCl-induced proteins were investigated, including an intriguing one christened SALTY. It is intrinsically disordered, associated with the endoplasmic reticulum and contains an RGG motif often involved in RNA binding. It can single-handedly increase salt tolerance of yeast, and the authors suggest that SALTY might protect and stabilize the ribosomes during salt stress.



作者首先表明,高浓度的盐可以显着促进海蓬子的生长。植物可以在其组织中积累令人印象深刻的离子浓度。获得了基因组、转录组和膜蛋白质组,并与其他物种进行了比较,特别关注钠/质子反向转运蛋白的 NHX 家族。该组的一个成员是一种名为 SOS1 的质膜蛋白,在其他物种中因其在耐盐性方面的作用而闻名,因为它将钠从细胞中泵送到质外体。但在海蓬子中,SOS1 奇怪地位于液泡膜中,并且似乎参与了细胞内液泡内的 Na +封存。

研究人员还研究了其他 NaCl 诱导的蛋白质,其中包括一种有趣的名为 SALTY 的蛋白质。它本质上是无序的,与内质网相关,并且含有经常参与 RNA 结合的 RGG 基序。它可以单独提高酵母的耐盐性,作者认为 SALTY 可能在盐胁迫期间保护和稳定核糖体。
