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Cleave and Rescue gamete killers create conditions for gene drive in plants
Nature Plants ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41477-024-01701-3
Georg Oberhofer 1 , Michelle L Johnson 1 , Tobin Ivy 1 , Igor Antoshechkin 1 , Bruce A Hay 1

Gene drive elements promote the spread of linked traits and can be used to change the composition or fate of wild populations. Cleave and Rescue (ClvR) drive elements sit at a fixed chromosomal position and include a DNA sequence-modifying enzyme such as Cas9/gRNAs that disrupts endogenous versions of an essential gene and a recoded version of the essential gene resistant to cleavage. ClvR spreads by creating conditions in which those lacking ClvR die because they lack functional versions of the essential gene. Here we demonstrate the essential features of the ClvR gene drive in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana through killing of gametes that fail to inherit a ClvR that targets the essential gene YKT61. Resistant alleles, which can slow or prevent drive, were not observed. Modelling shows plant ClvRs are robust to certain failure modes and can be used to rapidly drive population modification or suppression. Possible applications are discussed.



基因驱动元件促进相关性状的传播,可用于改变野生种群的组成或命运。裂解和拯救( ClvR ) 驱动元件位于固定的染色体位置,包括 DNA 序列修饰酶,例如 Cas9/gRNA,可破坏必需基因的内源版本和抗裂解的必需基因的重新编码版本。 ClvR 的传播方式是创造条件,使那些缺乏ClvR 的人死亡,因为他们缺乏必需基因的功能版本。在这里,我们通过杀死未能继承针对必需基因YKT61ClvR的配子,展示了拟南芥植物中ClvR基因驱动的基本特征。没有观察到可以减缓或阻止驾驶的抗性等位基因。建模显示植物ClvR对某些故障模式具有鲁棒性,可用于快速驱动群体修改或抑制。讨论了可能的应用。
