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Polarizing the Be–Be bond
Nature Chemistry ( IF 19.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41557-024-01548-3

The Be–Be bond has long represented a ‘missing link’ between the H–H bond of dihydrogen and the B–B bond of diborane(4) species. Now, a complex with a polarized Be–Be bond that acts as a source of the beryllyl anion is reported. This work also reveals similarities between the homo-elemental linkages of boron and beryllium.


极化 Be-Be 键

Be-Be 键长期以来一直代表着二氢的 H-H 键与乙硼烷 (4) 物质的 B-B 键之间的“缺失环节”。现在,报道了一种具有极化 Be-Be 键的络合物,可作为铍基阴离子的来源。这项工作还揭示了硼和铍的同质元素连接之间的相似性。