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Varied prevalence of antimalarial drug resistance markers in different populations of newly arrived refugees in Uganda
The Journal of Infectious Diseases ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 , DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiae288
Stephen Tukwasibwe 1, 2, 3 , Shreeya Garg 4 , Thomas Katairo 2 , Victor Asua 2 , Brian A Kagurusi 2 , Gerald Mboowa 5, 6 , Rebecca Crudale 7 , Gerald Tumusiime 3 , Julius Businge 8 , David Alula 8 , Julius Kasozi 9 , Ibrahim Wadembere 9 , Isaac Ssewanyana 2 , Emmanuel Arinaitwe 2 , Joaniter I Nankabirwa 1, 2 , Samuel L Nsobya 2 , Moses R Kamya 1, 2 , Bryan Greenhouse 4 , Grant Dorsey 4 , Jeffrey A Bailey 7 , Jessica Briggs 4 , Melissa D Conrad 4 , Philip J Rosenthal 4

Newly arrived refugees offer insights into malaria epidemiology in their countries of origin. We evaluated asymptomatic refugee children within 7 days of arrival in Uganda from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 2022 for parasitemia, parasite species, and Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance markers. Asymptomatic P. falciparum infections were common in both populations. Co-infection with P. malariae was more common in DRC refugees. Prevalences of markers of aminoquinoline resistance (PfCRT K76T, PfMDR1 N86Y) were much higher in South Sudan refugees, of antifolate resistance (PfDHFR C59R and I164L, PfDHPS A437G and K540E) much higher in DRC refugees, and of artemisinin partial resistance (ART-R; PfK13 C469Y and A675V) moderate in both populations. Prevalences of most mutations differed from those seen in Ugandans attending health centers near the refugee centers. Refugee evaluations yielded insights into varied malaria epidemiology and identified markers of ART-R in two previously little-studied countries.



新抵达的难民提供了对其原籍国疟疾流行病学的见解。我们对 2022 年从南苏丹和刚果民主共和国 (DRC) 抵达乌干达后 7 天内的无症状难民儿童进行了寄生虫血症、寄生虫种类和恶性疟原虫耐药标记物的评估。无症状恶性疟原虫感染在两个人群中都很常见。在刚果民主共和国难民中,三日疟原虫合并感染更为常见。南苏丹难民中氨基喹啉耐药标记物(PfCRT K76T、PfMDR1 N86Y)的患病率要高得多,刚果难民中抗叶酸耐药性(PfDHFR C59R 和 I164L、PfDHPS A437G 和 K540E)标记物的患病率要高得多,青蒿素部分耐药(ART-R)的患病率要高得多。 ; PfK13 C469Y 和 A675V) 在两个人群中均中等。大多数突变的患病率与在难民中心附近的卫生中心就诊的乌干达人的患病率不同。难民评估深入了解了不同的疟疾流行病学,并确定了两个以前很少研究的国家的 ART-R 标记。