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The state of Cancer-Focused community outreach and engagement (COE): reflections of black COE directors
Journal of the National Cancer Institute ( IF 9.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 , DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djae138
Kimlin Tam Ashing 1 , Nadine J Barrett 2 , Monica L Baskin 3 , Lisa Carter-Bawa 4, 5 , Timiya S Nolan 6 , Folakemi T Odedina 7 , Kim F Rhoads 8 , Vanessa B Sheppard 9 , Charnita Zeigler-Johnson 10 , Hayley S Thompson 11

The requirement of community outreach and engagement (COE) as a major component of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Center Support Grant has had enormous impact on the way NCI-designated cancer centers identify, investigate, and address the needs of their catchment area (CA) communities. Given the wide-ranging diversity of our nation, COE’s scope of work is extremely demanding and complex. Yet, COE is often marginalized and viewed as void of scientific methods when, in fact, it requires specialized scientific knowledge and a broad range of proficiencies. Black COE scientific directors may be particularly attuned to this marginalization as they have often confronted workplace inequities that resemble the health inequities observed within their cancer center’s CA. Thus, Black COE leaders are uniquely positioned to offer insight on the past, present, and future of COE. Key areas discussed include low involvement of minoritized group members and those with appropriate expertise in national COE leadership; the lack of established, consistent criteria for evaluation of COE components and qualifications of evaluators; the need for substantial financial investment in COE; potential misalignment of community priorities and cancer center objectives; professional development and growth of COE staff and leaders; the expanding scope of COE across their respective cancer centers and CAs; and the need for center-wide involvement in COE and an “all-hands-on-deck” approach. These areas warrant thoughtful dialogue as COE evolves, for the benefit and success of all COE leaders. However, this dialogue must include diverse voices representing similarly diverse stakeholders at every level.


以癌症为中心的社区外展和参与 (COE) 的状况:黑人 COE 董事的反思

社区外展和参与 (COE) 的要求作为国家癌症研究所 (NCI) 癌症中心支持拨款的主要组成部分,对 NCI 指定癌症中心识别、调查和解决其服务区域需求的方式产生了巨大影响(加利福尼亚州)社区。鉴于我们国家的广泛多样性,COE 的工作范围极其艰巨且复杂。然而,COE 常常被边缘化,并被视为缺乏科学方法,而事实上,它需要专门的科学知识和广泛的熟练程度。黑人 COE 科学主任可能特别适应这种边缘化,因为他们经常面临工作场所的不平等,类似于在癌症中心 CA 中观察到的健康不平等。因此,黑人 COE 领导人具有独特的地位,可以提供有关 COE 的过去、现在和未来的见解。讨论的关键领域包括少数群体成员以及在国家特遣队所属装备领导方面具有适当专业知识的人员参与度较低;缺乏既定的、一致的 COE 组成部分评估标准和评估员资格;需要对特遣队所属装备进行大量财务投资;社区优先事项和癌症中心目标可能存在不一致; COE 员工和领导者的专业发展和成长;扩大 COE 的范围到各自的癌症中心和 CA;以及中心范围内参与 COE 和“全员参与”方法的必要性。随着 COE 的发展,这些领域需要进行深思熟虑的对话,以确保所有 COE 领导人的利益和成功。然而,这种对话必须包括代表各个层面的不同利益相关者的不同声音。