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Urban green space preferences for various health-related psychological benefits of adolescent pupils, university students and adults
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128396
Arne Arnberger , Renate Eder , Brigitte Allex , Peter Wallner , Lisbeth Weitensfelder , Hans-Peter Hutter

Previous research has shown that biophysical and social characteristics of urban green spaces (UGS) and individual factors may play a role in preferences for restorative environments. However, little is known about the trade-offs between (bio)physical and social characteristics of UGS on different health-related psychological benefits between different population groups. This exploratory study used an image-based discrete choice experiment, in which 298 adolescent pupils, 159 university students, and 142 adults were asked which urban green spaces they would prefer for general recovery, stress reduction, and concentration improvement. Each of the 128 green space scenarios depicted different attributes of varying levels of recreational infrastructure, numbers of trail users, distances between forest vegetation and trail, traffic noise, background scenery, both in winter and in summer. The results indicate that visitor numbers and traffic noise strongly influenced green space preferences for all study groups, but groups differed in terms of their preferences and trade-offs for the psychological benefits. The biophysical environment was less important for adolescent pupils, while recreational infrastructure was less important for the adults. There were group differences in stated preferences for general recovery, stress reduction, and concentration enhancement. Implications for urban green space planning are presented.



先前的研究表明,城市绿地(UGS)的生物物理和社会特征以及个人因素可能在恢复性环境的偏好中发挥作用。然而,人们对 UGS 的(生物)物理和社会特征对不同人群之间不同健康相关心理益处的权衡知之甚少。这项探索性研究采用了基于图像的离散选择实验,其中 298 名青少年学生、159 名大学生和 142 名成年人被问及他们更喜欢哪些城市绿地来进行总体恢复、减轻压力和提高注意力。 128 个绿地场景中的每一个都描述了冬季和夏季不同水平的休闲基础设施、步道使用者数量、森林植被和步道之间的距离、交通噪音、背景风景的不同属性。结果表明,游客数量和交通噪音强烈影响所有研究组的绿色空间偏好,但各组在心理益处的偏好和权衡方面存在差异。生物物理环境对于青少年学生不太重要,而娱乐基础设施对于成年人来说不太重要。对一般恢复、减轻压力和提高注意力的偏好存在群体差异。提出了对城市绿地规划的影响。