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How to talk about British colonialism in the middle of a culture war
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2024.05.007
Stephen Legg

In this ‘Historical Geography at Large’ review I recount my participation in an August 2023 summer school led by Professor Alan Lester at the University of Sussex, entitled ‘How to talk about British colonialism in the middle of a culture war’. The workshop encouraged the participation of non-academics who desired greater knowledge of the British empire and its legacies, to help them negotiate contemporary debates over race, slavery, colonialism, and national identity. I recount the two days of lectures and debate led by Lester, as well as a day-long walking tour of London, where we discussed contentious statues and the even more contentious interior of the government's Commonwealth, Foreign and Development Office building. These generative encounters present an activist and participatory form of historical geography at large.



在这篇《历史地理学概览》评论中,我回顾了我参加的 2023 年 8 月由萨塞克斯大学艾伦·莱斯特教授领导的暑期学校,题为“如何在文化战争中谈论英国殖民主义”。该研讨会鼓励那些希望更多地了解大英帝国及其遗产的非学者参与,以帮助他们谈判有关种族、奴隶制、殖民主义和民族认同的当代辩论。我回顾了莱斯特领导的两天讲座和辩论,以及伦敦一整天的徒步旅行,在那里我们讨论了有争议的雕像以及政府联邦、外交和发展办公大楼更具争议性的内部装饰。这些生成性的遭遇呈现出历史地理学的一种积极的、参与性的形式。