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Anticolonial Irish History: A round-table
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2024.02.005
Gerry Kearns , Rory Rowan , Lorraine Dowler , Enya Moore , Joseph S. Robinson , Robbie McVeigh

McVeigh and Rolston's puts colonialism at the heart of Ireland's social and economic history, but also as essential to understanding modern Irish politics. The subjugation of Catholics in Northern Ireland was a consequence of the failure to end British control over the island and a perpetuation of ethnic rule characteristic of other white dominions. The incomplete reckoning with colonialism has shaped the Irish engagement with global capitalism including its abandonment of its anticolonial allies with its embrace of the European Union. These historical and political issues are debated in this roundtable in which one of the co-authors of the book responds to interventions probing the work's treatment of capitalism, empire, gender, and anticolonial solidarities.


