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Negotiating Danish identity with(in) Copenhagen's postcolonial landscape of commemoration
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2024.04.004
Doron Eldar

The paper investigates changes to Copenhagen's landscape of commemoration concerning its former colony, the Danish West Indies (DWI), prompted by the 2017 centennial anniversary of the Islands' sale to the US. It argues that Denmark, like other European nations, navigates a postcolonial identity crisis and that the landscape of commemoration plays a significant role within it. The paper advances our understanding of postcolonial Europe's identity crisis not only by shedding light on the under-explored case of Denmark, but also by emphasizing the role of the landscape of commemoration in this crisis. In addition to demonstrating how landscapes function as ‘arenas’ for negotiating expressions of hegemonic identity and territorial claims, it argues that the commemorative landscape is pivotal in tackling the construction of ‘Europe’ as a detached, self-made entity rather than a space (re)produced through connections with other (ed) places and people. It underscores that Europe's allegedly monochromatic historical fabric is woven from diverse global threads. Re-membering Europe with the people and regions vital to its (re)production re-writes them into European history and re-locates detached Europe (with)in the world.



本文调查了哥本哈根纪念其前殖民地丹麦西印度群岛 (DWI) 的景观因 2017 年丹麦西印度群岛出售给美国一百周年而发生的变化。它认为,丹麦与其他欧洲国家一样,正在应对后殖民身份危机,而纪念景观在其中发挥着重要作用。本文不仅通过揭示丹麦未被充分探索的案例,而且还强调了纪念景观在这场危机中的作用,增进了我们对后殖民欧洲身份危机的理解。除了展示景观如何充当霸权身份和领土主张谈判表达的“竞技场”之外,它还认为,纪念性景观对于将“欧洲”建设为一个独立的、自制的实体而不是一个空间至关重要。通过与其他(编辑)地方和人的联系重新)生产。它强调了欧洲所谓的单色历史结构是由不同的全球线索编织而成的。重新认识欧洲对其(重新)生产至关重要的人民和地区,将它们重新写入欧洲历史,并重新定位与世界分离的欧洲。