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An axis, not a line of division: Cooperative planning and development on the U.S.-Mexico border, 1960s
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2024.03.001
Joshua Savala

The article looks at the conversations and ideas exchanged between US and Mexican architects and planners in the early 1960s and their vision of redesigning the borderlands. Through a reading of Robert Evans Alexander's archival material (donated to Cornell University) and primary source material written by Guillermo Rossell, I argue that broader ideas of spatial justice influenced their conceptions of design. Moreover, Rossell brought to the table the idea that the border was a region and thus required a binational, regional design. The binational commission on planning developed in the midst of the Cold War and this was an element in their minds. And a part of this conversation, especially on the part of Mexican architects and planners, was development. Yet it was development through tourism, not industry. The article should be of interest to scholars working on the border, architecture and planning, development, tourism, and collaborative planning.


一条轴线,而不是一条分界线:20 世纪 60 年代美墨边境的合作规划和开发

本文着眼于 20 世纪 60 年代初美国和墨西哥建筑师和规划师之间的对话和想法交换,以及他们重新设计边境的愿景。通过阅读罗伯特·埃文斯·亚历山大的档案材料(捐赠给康奈尔大学)和吉列尔莫·罗塞尔撰写的主要来源材料,我认为更广泛的空间正义观念影响了他们的设计理念。此外,罗塞尔提出了这样的想法:边界是一个区域,因此需要两国、区域性的设计。两国规划委员会是在冷战期间发展起来的,这是他们心中的一个因素。这次对话的一部分,特别是对于墨西哥建筑师和规划师来说,是开发。然而,这是通过旅游业而不是工业来发展的。研究边界、建筑和规划、开发、旅游和协作规划的学者应该会对这篇文章感兴趣。