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Travel participation as an outlet for social integration of people with spinal cord injury: An explanatory sequential mixed methods study
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2024.06.001
Chenggang Hua , Shu Cole , Ye Zhang

Travel participation needs to be recognized as an outlet of active social integration for people with spinal cord injury (PwSCI), despite the wide range of potential physical and psychological challenges it present. Drawing on the social model of disability, this study examines the role of travel-facilitated social integration in enhancing self-assessment of health, quality of life (QOL) resilience, and life satisfaction of PwSCI. The research employs an explanatory sequential mixed-methods design, involving quantitative analysis of a dataset describing 2,468 PwSCI and qualitative analysis of 39 interviews. Results indicate that individuals with disabilities actively engage in, and derive health and wellness advantages from, positive social interactions during travel activities. Hence, travel plays a vital role in enhancing resilience, combating social isolation, and aiding in PwSCI's reintegration into society. To support these outcomes, accommodation design should not only fulfill accessibility standards but also foster a positive social atmosphere and encourage interactions that benefit people with disabilities.



旅行参与需要被视为脊髓损伤患者 (PwSCI) 积极融入社会的一种出路,尽管它带来了广泛的潜在身体和心理挑战。本研究借鉴残疾的社会模型,探讨了旅行促进的社会融合在增强 PwSCI 的健康自我评估、生活质量 (QOL) 弹性和生活满意度方面的作用。该研究采用解释性序贯混合方法设计,包括对描述 2,468 个 PwSCI 数据集的定量分析和对 39 次访谈的定性分析。结果表明,残疾人在旅行活动期间积极参与积极的社交互动,并从中获得健康和保健优势。因此,旅行在增强复原力、消除社会孤立以及帮助 PwSCI 重新融入社会方面发挥着至关重要的作用。为了支持这些成果,住宿设计不仅应满足无障碍标准,还应营造积极的社会氛围并鼓励有利于残疾人的互动。