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Schools' readiness for child sexual abuse prevention education: Preliminary scale development using a Delphi method
Child Abuse & Neglect ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2024.106884
Yuejiao Wu , Kerryann Walsh , Sonia L.J. White , Lyra L'Estrange

This study employed a Delphi method with a panel of experts to collaboratively design a new instrument to assess schools' readiness for school-based child sexual abuse prevention education. An initial item pool was generated based on a review of existing empirical research and theoretical models. We invited researchers and stakeholders in the field of child sexual abuse prevention as experts to participate in a two-round online Delphi study in which they rated item importance and clarity, contributed their views on superfluous and/or missing items, gave rephrasing suggestions, and re-appraised revised items. Following the Delphi study, the instrument was pilot tested with a convenience sample of school staff. The initial item pool comprised 81 items in five construct sub-scales congruent with Wiener's Organizational Readiness for Change theory: contextual factors, informational assessment, change valence, change commitment, and change efficacy. In the Delphi study, 24 experts participated in round 1, and 13 participated in round 2. Based on Delphi study responses, the instrument was reduced to 56 items in the five construct subscales: contextual factors (28 items), informational assessment (13 items), change valence (6 items), change commitment (3 items), and change efficacy (6 items). The Schools' Readiness for Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Education (SR-CSAPE) was successfully pilot tested with school staff ( = 19) and minor changes to demographic items were incorporated. Informed by experts, the Schools' Readiness for Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Education (SR-CSAPE) is a newly-developed 56-item scale that identifies key organizational dimensions to schools' preparedness for CSA prevention education. Psychometric properties of the scale must be determined in future research.



本研究采用德尔菲法与专家小组合作设计一种新工具来评估学校对校本儿童性虐待预防教育的准备情况。根据对现有实证研究和理论模型的回顾,生成了初始项目池。我们邀请儿童性虐待预防领域的研究人员和利益相关者作为专家参与两轮在线德尔菲研究,他们对项目的重要性和清晰度进行评分,对多余和/或缺失的项目发表意见,提出改写建议,并重新评价修改的项目。德尔菲研究之后,该仪器以学校工作人员为样本进行了试点测试。初始项目池由 5 个构建子量表中的 81 个项目组成,与维纳的组织变革准备就绪理论一致:情境因素、信息评估、变革效价、变革承诺和变革功效。在德尔菲研究中,24 名专家参与了第一轮,13 名专家参与了第二轮。根据德尔菲研究的答复,该工具减少到五个构建分量表中的 56 个项目:背景因素(28 个项目)、信息评估(13 个项目) )、变革效价(6 项)、变革承诺(3 项)和变革功效(6 项)。学校的儿童性虐待预防教育准备 (SR-CSAPE) 已成功在学校工作人员 (= 19) 中进行了试点测试,并对人口统计项目进行了细微的更改。据专家介绍,学校儿童性虐待预防教育准备(SR-CSAPE)是一个新开发的包含 56 个项目的量表,确定了学校预防性虐待预防教育准备的关键组织维度。 量表的心理测量特性必须在未来的研究中确定。