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Implementation of a digital health intervention for young people exposed to Technology Assisted Sexual Abuse
Child Abuse & Neglect ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2024.106883
Ethel Quayle , Matthias Schwannauer , Filippo Varese , Kate Allsop , Kim Cartwright , Cindy Chan , Prathiba Chitsabesan , Victoria Green , William Hewins , Amanda Larkin , Alice Newton , Erica Niebauer , Gillian Radford , Cathy Richards , Marina Sandys , Sara Shafi , Jennifer Ward , Pauline Whelan , Sandra Bucci

The internet has become a place of increased risk of abuse, including sexual abuse, for young people (YP). One potential risk factor to online abuse and exploitation is the ability to mentalise. We developed the i-Minds app, a mentalisation-based digital health intervention (DHI) for YP who have experienced technology assisted sexual abuse (TASA), which we tested in a clinical feasibility trial. Nested within the trial was a qualitative implementation study with clinicians who referred to the trial. To explore the barriers and enablers to the future integration of i-Minds into clinical practice. Twelve HCPs were recruited from across two trial recruitment sites (Manchester and Edinburgh). Semi-structured interviews were informed by Normalisation Process Theory (NPT). Framework analysis was used; transcripts were coded deductively to NPT constructs. Practitioners were positive about the need for, and added value of, the i-Minds app over existing interventions, including other DHIs. While they felt confident with the app, concerns remained around the safety of using the app without practitioner support. i-Minds promoted changes in practitioners' work and impacted online behaviour of YP. There was an identified need for further training and organisational support. Practitioners are aware of TASA but have limited knowledge, skills and tools to work with TASA in clinical practice with YP. There is a need for awareness raising and education about TASA and DHI. i-Minds offers a theory-informed DHI for working with YP exposed to TASA that is acceptable to practitioners and YP.



互联网已成为年轻人遭受虐待(包括性虐待)风险增加的地方(YP)。网络滥用和剥削的潜在风险因素之一是心理化能力。我们为经历过技术辅助性虐待 (TASA) 的 YP 开发了 i-Minds 应用程序,这是一种基于心智化的数字健康干预 (DHI),我们在临床可行性试验中对此进行了测试。该试验中包含一项与参考该试验的临床医生进行的定性实施研究。探讨 i-Minds 未来融入临床实践的障碍和推动因素。从两个试验招募地点(曼彻斯特和爱丁堡)招募了 12 名 HCP。半结构化访谈以标准化过程理论(NPT)为基础。使用了框架分析;转录本被演绎编码为 NPT 结构。从业者对 i-Minds 应用程序的需求及其相对于现有干预措施(包括其他 DHI)的附加价值持积极态度。虽然他们对这款应用程序充满信心,但在没有从业者支持的情况下使用该应用程序的安全性仍然令人担忧。 i-Minds促进了从业者工作的改变,影响了YP的网络行为。已确定需要进一步培训和组织支持。从业者了解 TASA,但在 YP 临床实践中使用 TASA 的知识、技能和工具有限。需要提高对 TASA 和 DHI 的认识并进行教育。 i-Minds 提供了一种基于理论的 DHI,用于与暴露于 TASA 的 YP 合作,这是从业者和 YP 都可以接受的。