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Green synthesis of 1,3,5-triazine derivatives using a sonochemical protocol
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2024.106951
Damian Kułaga 1 , Anna K Drabczyk 1 , Przemysław Zaręba 2 , Jolanta Jaśkowska 1 , Julia Chrzan 1 , Katarzyna Ewa Greber 3 , Krzesimir Ciura 4 , Damian Plażuk 5 , Ewelina Wielgus 6

1,3,5-triazine derivatives are useful compounds with potential applications in various branches of chemical industry, including pharmaceutical chemistry, cosmetic chemistry, photochemistry, and organic chemistry. Due to the growing environmental requirements on conducting efficient, economical, and safe syntheses, development of new methods for synthesizing organic compounds is highly desirable. In this publication, we present a protocol for the synthesis of 1,3,5-triazine derivatives using a sonochemical approach. In as little as 5 min, it is possible to obtain most of the investigated compounds with a yield of over 75%. An undeniable advantage of this method, besides its short time, is the use of water as the solvent. Furthermore, we provide examples that the sonochemical method may be more versatile than the competing microwave method. Analysis conducted using the DOZN 2.0 tool revealed that in terms of the 12 principles of green chemistry, the developed sonochemical method is 13 times “greener” than the classical one. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that the investigated molecules are attractive for their application as drug-like compounds.


使用声化学方案绿色合成 1,3,5-三嗪衍生物

1,3,5-三嗪衍生物是有用的化合物,在化学工业的各个分支中具有潜在的应用,包括药物化学、化妆品化学、光化学和有机化学。由于对进行高效、经济和安全合成的环境要求不断增长,非常需要开发合成有机化合物的新方法。在本出版物中,我们提出了使用声化学方法合成 1,3,5-三嗪衍生物的方案。只需 5 分钟,即可获得大部分研究化合物,收率超过 75%。除了时间短之外,该方法的一个不可否认的优点是使用水作为溶剂。此外,我们提供的例子表明声化学方法可能比竞争的微波方法更通用。使用DOZN 2.0工具进行的分析表明,就绿色化学的12条原则而言,所开发的声化学方法比传统方法“绿色”13倍。此外,已经证明所研究的分子作为类药物化合物的应用具有吸引力。