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Analysis of user behavior in urban parking under different level of information scenarios provided by smart devices or connected cars
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100847
Andrés Rodríguez , Borja Alonso , Jose Luis Moura , Luigi dell’Olio

Due to the issues of land redevelopment and changes of use within urban areas, many cities must adopt measures to reorganise and optimise parking space. This paper proposes a methodology to study one of them by implementing parking information systems (PIS). This solution offers users a competitive advantage by allowing them to know about the free parking spaces at the moment of decision-making. To achieve this goal, microscopic simulations are conducted to analyse the effects of various scenarios involving the implementation of PIS. The data used in these simulations is obtained from the Santander area in Spain. For the evaluation of results, a methodology has been developed that combines the evaluation of social factors for citizens and operational impacts for decision-makers. The results show significant improvements with increasing user information rate, e.g., the number of unsuccessful parking attempts before finding a final parking space is reduced by 55%, and 37% less particulate pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere.



由于城市区域内的土地再开发和用途改变等问题,许多城市必须采取措施对停车位进行重组和优化。本文提出了一种通过实施停车信息系统(PIS)来研究其中之一的方法。该解决方案让用户在决策时了解免费停车位,从而为用户提供竞争优势。为了实现这一目标,进行微观模拟来分析涉及PIS实施的各种场景的效果。这些模拟中使用的数据来自西班牙桑坦德地区。为了评估结果,已经开发了一种方法,结合了对公民的社会因素评估和对决策者的操作影响。结果表明,随着用户信息率的提高,效果显着,例如,在找到最终停车位之前尝试停车失败的次数减少了 55%,排放到大气中的颗粒污染物减少了 37%。