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Subsidizing residents or companies? An equilibrium-based analysis of subsidy strategies for EV charging facilities
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100844
Fu-Lin Wang , Hai-Jun Huang

This study examines the charging location choice behavior of residents in relation to employer-provided charging facilities and investigates the impact of different government subsidy strategies for charging facility construction on urban spatial structure and traffic-related air pollution. Using a monocentric two-zone city model, we analyze the residential distribution and travel mode choice of urban residents under various subsidy strategies from the perspective of social planners. The government can optimize urban resource allocation through transport infrastructure investments and implementation of emission taxes to maximize the so-called residents’ utility. We observe that despite the distorting effect of employer-provided charging facilities on travel mode choice, residents still experience an enhanced utility due to the positive environmental impact resulting from reduced pollution levels associated with electric vehicles (EVs) compared to gasoline vehicles (GVs). We provide numerical evidence to show that government subsidies, whether directed towards companies or residents, can effectively enhance the adoption of EVs and improve utility. In low-density cities, it is advisable for the government to encourage and subsidize residents in building charging facilities. Conversely, in high-density cities, prioritizing subsidies for companies would be more beneficial in improving utility and expanding the coverage of charging facilities. Furthermore, in cities where resident environmental awareness is relatively low, it is recommended that the government increase subsidies to promote EV adoption.



本研究考察了居民对雇主提供的充电设施的充电地点选择行为,并探讨了政府对充电设施建设的不同补贴策略对城市空间结构和交通相关空气污染的影响。采用单中心两区城市模型,从社会规划者的角度分析不同补贴策略下城市居民的居住分布和出行方式选择。政府可以通过交通基础设施投资和征收排污税来优化城市资源配置,实现所谓居民效用的最大化。我们观察到,尽管雇主提供的充电设施对出行方式选择产生了扭曲效应,但由于与汽油车 (GV) 相比,电动汽车 (EV) 相关的污染水平降低,对环境产生了积极的影响,居民仍然体验到效用的增强。我们提供的数字证据表明,政府补贴,无论是针对企业还是居民,都可以有效促进电动汽车的采用并提高效用。在低密度城市,政府应鼓励和补贴居民建设充电设施。相反,在高密度城市,优先对企业进行补贴更有利于提高公用事业水平、扩大充电设施覆盖范围。此外,在居民环保意识较低的城市,建议政府加大补贴力度,促进电动汽车普及。