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Enabling digital transformation: Organizational implementation of the internet of things
Information & Management ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2024.103996
Ulrika H. Westergren , Viktor Mähler , Taline Jadaan

With the steady increase in connectivity and the development of new dynamic, interconnected, and distributed technologies, management teams are seeing opportunities to digitally transform organizational processes. Following a case of Internet of Things (IoT) implementation, the aim of this paper is to explore the transformational potential of IoT and the mechanisms and processes that support or constrain IoT-enabled digital transformation in practice. Through a qualitative case study of an IoT implementation project over a period of two years, we show that IoT can create an opportunity for digital transformation by fundamentally changing organizational and individual perception of work identity and work practices. Furthermore, we show that successful IoT adoption requires proactive leadership that identifies and accounts for both technological capabilities and different stakeholder perspectives. To make use of IoT's capabilities and simultaneously mitigate the risk of privacy infringements one must leverage the role of the observer and the observed.



随着连接性的稳步增长以及新的动态、互连和分布式技术的发展,管理团队看到了组织流程数字化转型的机会。本文以物联网 (IoT) 实施为例,旨在探讨物联网的变革潜力以及在实践中支持或限制物联网数字化转型的机制和流程。通过对为期两年的物联网实施项目的定性案例研究,我们表明物联网可以通过从根本上改变组织和个人对工作身份和工作实践的看法来创造数字化转型的机会。此外,我们表明,成功的物联网采用需要积极主动的领导力,识别并考虑技术能力和不同利益相关者的观点。为了利用物联网的功能并同时降低隐私侵犯的风险,必须利用观察者和被观察者的角色。