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Improved stability and specificity of baits for oral administration of substances to wild boar
Preventive Veterinary Medicine ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2024.106241
David Relimpio 1 , María Del Carmen Serna Moreno 2 , Sergio Horta Muñoz 2 , Elisenda Viaplana 3 , Jose Carlos Mancera 4 , Alicia Urniza 3 , José de la Fuente 5 , Christian Gortázar 1

Oral vaccination is one of the most effective interventions for disease control in wildlife. As a result of the recent global reemergence of African swine fever and ongoing classical swine fever and animal tuberculosis, oral vaccination of Eurasian wild boar () receives increased interest. Several baits for wild boar and feral pigs have been described, but developing more stable and personalized formulations is important. This paper proposes a new bait formulation primarily composed of corn flour, piglet feed, sugar, and honey as a binder to obtain improved elasticity. The bait consists of a matrix with no protective coats, has a hemispherical shape (ø 3.4 ×1.6 cm), and displays an anise aroma and blue color. The color and aroma did not affect bait choice by wild boar, while bait coloring contributed to avoid consumption by non-target species (corvids). Baits with the new formulation were significantly more resistant to humidity and high temperatures than previous versions. Simulations suggest that baits with the new formulation are elastic enough to resist impacts from a maximum altitude of 750 m. Thus, the new bait prototype solves several problems of previous bait formulations while keeping a format that can be selectively consumed by piglets and adult wild boar.



口服疫苗是野生动物疾病控制最有效的干预措施之一。由于最近非洲猪瘟在全球重新出现以及古典猪瘟和动物结核病的持续存在,欧亚野猪的口服疫苗接种受到越来越多的关注。已经描述了几种用于野猪和野猪的诱饵,但开发更稳定和个性化的配方很重要。本文提出了一种新的饵料配方,主要由玉米粉、仔猪饲料、糖和蜂蜜作为粘合剂组成,以获得更好的弹性。该饵料由无保护层的基质组成,呈半球形(直径3.4×1.6厘米),具有茴香味和蓝色。颜色和香气不会影响野猪对饵料的选择,而饵料颜色有助于避免被非目标物种(鸦科)食用。采用新配方的诱饵比以前的版本明显更能抵抗潮湿和高温。模拟表明,采用新配方的诱饵具有足够的弹性,可以抵抗最大高度 750 m 的冲击。因此,新的诱饵原型解决了以前诱饵配方的几个问题,同时保留了可以被仔猪和成年野猪选择性食用的形式。