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Recent Advancements and Future Perspectives of Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2024.02.032
Mohan Ramchandani 1 , Zaheer Nabi 1 , Pradev Inavolu 1 , D Nageshwar Reddy 1

Per oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) has emerged as a preferred approach for the treatment of idiopathic achalasia and various esophageal motility disorders, offering a minimally invasive alternative to traditional laparoscopic Heller’s myotomy. Over the past decade, POEM has solidified its status as the primary therapeutic choice in these conditions through constant improvements. Its evolution has been marked by continuous progress, driven by the integration of innovative technologies and sophisticated techniques. Notable advancements in the techniques include the advent of shorter myotomies and sling fiber-preserving gastric myotomies. The introduction of novel image-enhanced endoscopic techniques, such as red dichromatic imaging and much safer bipolar devices, promises to enhance safety and reduce the technical demands of the POEM procedure.



经口腔内镜下肌切开术 (POEM) 已成为治疗特发性贲门失弛缓症和各种食管运动障碍的首选方法,为传统腹腔镜海勒肌切开术提供了微创替代方案。在过去的十年中,POEM 通过不断改进,巩固了其作为这些疾病的主要治疗选择的地位。它的发展以不断进步为标志,在创新技术和先进技术的融合的推动下。该技术的显着进步包括较短的肌切开术和保留纤维的胃肌切开术的出现。新型图像增强内窥镜技术的引入,例如红色二色成像和更安全的双极设备,有望提高安全性并降低 POEM 手术的技术要求。