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Decarbonizing maritime shipping and aviation: Disruption, regime resistance and breaking through carbon lock-in and path dependency in hard-to-abate transport sectors
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2024.100854
Frauke Urban , Anissa Nurdiawati , Fumi Harahap , Kateryna Morozovska

Aviation and maritime shipping are hard-to-abate transport sectors that are heavily dependent on fossil fuels. They jointly account for nearly 10 % of global greenhouse gas emissions, while infrastructure and investments are locked into high-carbon pathways for decades. Fuels and technologies to decarbonize include advanced biofuels, electrofuels, hydrogen and electric propulsion. This research aims to analyse the decarbonization strategies for maritime shipping and aviation from a comparative perspective, and analyzing the role of different actors for disruption to break through carbon lock-in and path dependency. The research uses Sweden as a case study and applies qualitative methods, including expert interviews, focus group discussions and site visits. Our research finds that aviation and maritime shipping are slowly changing, albeit with different dynamics. Both sectors show that incumbent regime actors play a major role in shaping transition pathways and disrupting the (quasi)equilibrium, while niche innovation is often developed together by incumbents and niche players.



航空和海运是严重依赖化石燃料的难以减少的运输部门。它们合计占全球温室气体排放量的近 10%,而基础设施和投资数十年来都被锁定在高碳路径上。脱碳燃料和技术包括先进的生物燃料、电燃料、氢和电力推进。本研究旨在从比较的角度分析海运和航空的脱碳策略,并分析不同参与者在突破碳锁定和路径依赖方面的作用。该研究以瑞典为案例研究,采用定性方法,包括专家访谈、焦点小组讨论和实地考察。我们的研究发现,航空和海运正在缓慢变化,尽管动力不同。这两个部门都表明,现任政权的参与者在塑造转型路径和破坏(准)均衡方面发挥着重要作用,而利基创新往往是由现任政权和利基参与者共同开发的。