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Evaluating the nature of turbulent coherent structures in orchards using integrated quadrant analysis
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.110042
Mary Rose Mangan , Holly J. Oldroyd , Kyaw Tha Paw U , Jenae M. Clay , Kosana Suvočarev

Inside orchards, turbulent coherent structures dominate the transport of heat, momentum, and moisture between the canopy and the atmosphere. Integrated quadrant analysis is a method to visualize the trajectory of individual turbulent coherent structures using in situ data from three-dimensional anemometry. In this paper, integrated quadrant analysis is used to characterize the turbulent transport of heat and momentum from two orchard experiments: one in the interrow space (the Canopy Horizontal Array Turbulence Study from Dixon, California in May and June 2007) and one in the crown of a tree (the Vertical Array Cherry Experiment from Linden, California in November 2019). By using the integrated quadrant analysis (IQA) method, this paper demonstrates the importance of the cross-wind velocity component in maintaining the turbulent coherent structures. Results from integrated quadrant analysis in three dimensions support the idea that the microfront is collocated with the boundary of a sweep and an ejection in a convective boundary layer. Moreover, in both orchards, there are preferred planar trajectories for individual coherent structures that do not depend on wind regimes. The statistical profile of the turbulence quantities, as well as individual coherent structures, are not appreciably different in the interrow space or within the crown.



在果园内部,湍流相干结构主导着树冠和大气之间的热量、动量和水分的传输。积分象限分析是一种利用三维风速测量的现场数据来可视化单个湍流相干结构轨迹的方法。在本文中,集成象限分析用于表征两个果园实验中热量和动量的湍流传递:一个在行间空间(2007 年 5 月和 6 月在加利福尼亚州迪克森进行的树冠水平阵列湍流研究),另一个在树冠中一棵树的形状(2019 年 11 月在加利福尼亚州林登进行的垂直阵列樱桃实验)。通过使用积分象限分析(IQA)方法,本文论证了侧风速度分量在维持湍流相干结构中的重要性。三维积分象限分析的结果支持了微锋面与对流边界层中的扫掠和喷射的边界并置的观点。此外,在两个果园中,不依赖于风况的各个相干结构都有优选的平面轨迹。湍流量的统计分布以及各个相干结构在行间空间或冠内没有明显不同。