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Antarctic polar stratospheric cloud composition as observed by ACE, CALIPSO and MIPAS
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2024.109061
Léo Lavy , Peter Bernath , Michael Lecours , Dylan English

The composition of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) in the Antarctic is measured by infrared absorption spectroscopy by the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) satellite and compared to lidar (CALIPSO) and emission spectroscopy (MIPAS) results. ACE observations are compared first to CALIPSO for the period 2006–2020, then to MIPAS for the period 2005–2011, and then a set of triple coincidences is studied. In both CALIPSO-ACE and MIPAS-ACE comparisons, nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) detections are in excellent agreement (∼80 % of coincident compositions is found). Supercooled ternary solution (STS) detections are in good agreement for CALIPSO-ACE (∼60 %) but in poor agreement for MIPAS-ACE (39 %). This contrasts with ice detections, in poor agreement for CALIPSO-ACE (∼30 %) and in better agreement for MIPAS-ACE (45 %). Triple coincidences show that ACE STS detections are more reliable than MIPAS STS detections. The comparison between ACE observations and homogeneous CALIPSO PSCs shows that for 11 events, CALIPSO reports STS rather than supercooled nitric acid (SNA) clouds.


ACE、CALIPSO 和 MIPAS 观测到的南极极地平流层云成分

南极极地平流层云 (PSC) 的成分由大气化学实验 (ACE) 卫星通过红外吸收光谱测量,并与激光雷达 (CALIPSO) 和发射光谱 (MIPAS) 结果进行比较。首先将 ACE 观测值与 2006-2020 年期间的 CALIPSO 观测值进行比较,然后与 2005-2011 年期间的 MIPAS 观测值进行比较,然后研究一组三重巧合。在 CALIPSO-ACE 和 MIPAS-ACE 比较中,三水合硝酸 (NAT) 检测结果非常一致(发现了约 80% 的一致成分)。过冷三元溶液 (STS) 检测与 CALIPSO-ACE (∼60%) 吻合良好,但与 MIPAS-ACE (39%) 吻合较差。这与冰检测形成对比,CALIPSO-ACE 的一致性较差(∼30%),而 MIPAS-ACE 的一致性较好(45%)。三重巧合表明 ACE STS 检测比 MIPAS STS 检测更可靠。 ACE 观测结果与同质 CALIPSO PSC 之间的比较表明,对于 11 个事件,CALIPSO 报告的是 STS,而不是过冷硝酸 (SNA) 云。