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FT-UV emission spectroscopy of the [formula omitted] progression bands of the [formula omitted] system of [formula omitted]C[formula omitted]O[formula omitted]
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2024.109059
Wojciech Szajna , Ryszard Kȩpa , Robert W. Field , Rafał Hakalla

We report an experimental investigation of the progression bands of the First-Negative () system of CO. The ultraviolet wavelength emission spectrum of CO was generated using an air-cooled stainless steel hollow-cathode discharge lamp filled with a mixture of CO and Ne. The study includes four bands, i.e. , , and , observed in emission with a high-resolution Fourier-transform spectrometer in the 38500–46000 cm region. In total, 541 ro-vibronic transitions have been measured with an absolute accuracy of 0.005–0.010 cm. The experimental data were analyzed using the program, which resulted in a set of high accuracy molecular constants and ro-vibronic level positions for the , and , levels. The current values of the band origins have been compared with historical data, including the most recent results obtained by Ventura et al. (2020) and the discrepancies pointed out by the authors were explained.



我们报告了对 CO 第一负 () 系统的级数谱带的实验研究。CO 的紫外波长发射光谱是使用填充有 CO 和 Ne 混合物的风冷不锈钢空心阴极放电灯产生的。该研究包括四个波段,即 、 、 和 ,用高分辨率傅里叶变换光谱仪在 38500–46000 cm 区域观察到发射。总共测量了 541 个 ro-vibronic 跃迁,绝对精度为 0.005–0.010 cm。使用该程序分析实验数据,得到一组高精度分子常数和 、 、 、 能级的分子振动能级位置。谱带起源的当前值已与历史数据进行了比较,包括 Ventura 等人获得的最新结果。 (2020)并对作者指出的差异进行了解释。