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The pressure dependence of the experimentally-determined line intensity and continuum absorption of pure CO2 in the 1.6µm region
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2024.109055
M. Birk , C. Röske , G. Wagner

Fourier-transform measurements of pure CO spectra in the 1.6 µm region covering bands from the ground state to the 30011, 30012, 30013, and 30014 states at ambient temperature and 212 K with pressures up to 1 atm have been recorded. The measured spectra have been multispectrum-fitted with the Hartmann-Tran model with first order line-mixing taken into account. In the fits, a linear decrease of the line intensities with increasing pressure was introduced. From the fitted baselines, the self-continuum, which complements the contribution of the local lines within +/− 25 cm, was determined for the two strongest bands, 30012–00001 and 30013–00001. The depleted intensity was found to be transferred to the continuum for both temperatures. The intensity in the continuum at 1 atm was about 1 % of the total band intensity for ambient temperature and about 3 % at 212 K. For both temperatures, the average depleted intensity/continuum area was found in excellent agreement with values estimated from the second virial coefficient. From these results, a new spectroscopic database with pure CO line profile parameters was produced, with systematic line intensity uncertainties well below 0.1 %.


实验确定的线强度和纯 CO2 在 1.6 µm 区域的连续吸收的压力依赖性

在环境温度和 212 K、压力高达 1 atm 的情况下,对 1.6 µm 区域的纯 CO 光谱进行了傅里叶变换测量,涵盖从基态到 30011、30012、30013 和 30014 态的谱带。测量的光谱已与考虑一阶线混合的 Hartmann-Tran 模型进行多光谱拟合。在拟合中,引入了线强度随着压力的增加而线性减小。根据拟合的基线,确定了两个最强谱带 30012-00001 和 30013-00001 的自连续谱,它补充了 +/- 25 cm 内局部线的贡献。发现耗尽强度转移到两个温度的连续体。 1 atm 下连续谱的强度约为环境温度下总谱带强度的 1%,212 K 下约为 3%。对于这两个温度,发现平均耗尽强度/连续谱面积与第二个估计值非常一致。维里系数。根据这些结果,生成了具有纯 CO 谱线轮廓参数的新光谱数据库,系统谱线强度不确定性远低于 0.1%。