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How do farm and farmer attributes explain perceived resilience?
Agricultural Systems ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2024.104016
Alicia Prat-Benhamou , Alberto Bernués , Paula Gaspar , Joseba Lizarralde , Juan Manuel Mancilla-Leytón , Nerea Mandaluniz , Yolanda Mena , Bárbara Soriano , Daniel Ondé , Daniel Martín-Collado

Uncertainty surrounds farming systems across Europe and strengthening their resilience lies at the centre of the European policy agenda. Although farming systems´ resilience has been widely conceptualised, no consensus has been reached about assessing the contribution of farm and farmer attributes to farmers´ perceived resilience by quantitative approaches. The aim of this study was to understand what farm(er) attributes and principles contribute to explain farmers´ perceived resilience. Our specific objectives are to: i) develop a conceptual framework composed of attributes, principles and capacities to assess farms' resilience, including farmer personal resilience as a resilience principle; ii) quantify links between farm attributes and resilience principles with farmers´ perceived resilience capacities. We developed a framework that includes different farm and farmer attributes grouped into resilience principles. We designed and conducted a structured survey to allow small ruminant farmers in Spain to self-assess their resilience attributes and capacities. We used structural equation modelling to assess to what extent resilience attributes and principles explain perceived robustness, adaptability, transformability capacities and overall resilience. Farmers´ perceived resilience can be explained by several resilience attributes and principles, including farmers' personal resilience. Some attributes contribute similarly to robustness, adaptability and transformability, while others contribute particularly to each capacity. This study contributes to the development of quantitative farm resilience assessments by considering multiple farm attributes and also several farmers' psychological attributes. Our framework provides a list of attributes and principles that can be applied to different farming systems. We provide a specific approach to identify the most relevant attributes and principles that drive perceived resilience in a large set of them that could guide farm and stakeholders' decision making.



整个欧洲农业系统都存在不确定性,加强农业系统的抵御能力是欧洲政策议程的核心。尽管农业系统的复原力已被广泛概念化,但对于通过定量方法评估农场和农民属性对农民感知复原力的贡献尚未达成共识。本研究的目的是了解农场的哪些属性和原则有助于解释农民感知的复原力。我们的具体目标是: i) 开发一个由属性、原则和能力组成的概念框架,以评估农场的复原力,包括将农民个人复原力作为复原力原则; ii) 量化农场属性和复原力原则与农民感知的复原力能力之间的联系。我们开发了一个框架,其中包括按弹性原则分组的不同农场和农民属性。我们设计并进行了一项结构化调查,以使西班牙的小反刍动物农民能够自我评估他们的复原力属性和能力。我们使用结构方程模型来评估弹性属性和原则在多大程度上解释了感知的稳健性、适应性、可转换能力和整体弹性。农民感知到的复原力可以用几个复原力属性和原则来解释,包括农民的个人复原力。一些属性对鲁棒性、适应性和可转换性的贡献类似,而另一些属性则对每种能力都有特定的贡献。这项研究通过考虑多种农场属性和几种农民的心理属性,有助于定量农场复原力评估的发展。 我们的框架提供了一系列可应用于不同农业系统的属性和原则。我们提供了一种具体的方法来识别最相关的属性和原则,这些属性和原则可以驱动大量属性和原则的感知弹性,从而指导农场和利益相关者的决策。