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Evaluation and threshold-based mutual supervision promotes the evolution of cooperation on interdependent networks
Applied Mathematics and Computation ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2024.128863
Jinlong Ma , Hongfei Zhao

Inspired by the pivotal role of supervision mechanisms in promoting and maintaining cooperative behavior in human society, we propose a mutual supervision mechanism to explore the evolution of cooperation on an interdependent network. The mechanism adjusts the game type of supervised nodes when their evaluation value falls below a critical threshold. Monte Carlo simulations reveal that the mutual supervision mechanism effectively encourages the emergence of cooperative strategies on interdependent networks. The experimental results show a direct positive linkage between the number of supervised nodes and the fraction of cooperation. In detail, the effect of the sucker's payoff on cooperation is more noticeable when most of the nodes are supervised by the mechanism. However, a higher sucker's payoff discourages cooperation when there are few supervised nodes. Furthermore, the stability of cooperation is closely related to a stricter supervision threshold. Conversely, if the supervision threshold is too lenient, previously stable cooperation levels will suddenly collapse.


