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Identifying Adolescent Vaping With Screening to Brief Intervention and Brief Screener for Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Screening Tools
Journal of Adolescent Health ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2024.02.038
Jennifer A Ross 1 , Machiko Minegishi 2 , Melissa Brogna 3 , Geetha Subramaniam 4 , Sharon Levy 1 , Elissa Weitzman 5

This study aimed to determine whether the modified Screening to Brief Intervention (S2BI) and Brief Screener for Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs (BSTAD) that included e-cigarettes/vaping as examples could identify all nicotine and cannabis use or whether additional questions specifically about vaping are needed. Between July 2020 and February 2022, adolescents recruited from primary care or an outpatient adolescent substance use disorder program were randomized to complete S2BI or BSTAD followed by specific questions about vaping. Screen questions were updated to include "vaping" in the parenthetical examples of nicotine and cannabis use. Data from 502 adolescent participants who completed both the S2BI or BSTAD and vaping questions were analyzed. The S2BI and BSTAD identified 92% (23/25) and 100% (16/16) of nicotine vaping and 100% (16/16) and 95.5% (21/22) of cannabis vaping, respectively. The S2BI and BSTAD tools accurately identify nicotine and cannabis use without specific questions about vaping.



本研究旨在确定以电子烟/电子烟为例的修改后的简短干预筛查 (S2BI) 和烟草、酒精和毒品简短筛查 (BSTAD) 是否可以识别所有尼古丁和大麻的使用,或者是否存在专门针对需要吸电子烟。 2020 年 7 月至 2022 年 2 月期间,从初级保健或门诊青少年物质使用障碍项目招募的青少年被随机分配完成 S2BI 或 BSTAD,然后回答有关电子烟的具体问题。屏幕问题已更新,在尼古丁和大麻使用的附加示例中包含“电子烟”。对 502 名完成 S2BI 或 BSTAD 和电子烟问题的青少年参与者的数据进行了分析。 S2BI 和 BSTAD 分别识别出 92% (23/25) 和 100% (16/16) 的尼古丁电子烟以及 100% (16/16) 和 95.5% (21/22) 的大麻电子烟。 S2BI 和 BSTAD 工具可以准确识别尼古丁和大麻的使用情况,而无需询问有关电子烟的具体问题。