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Changes and challenges in the residency application process in obstetrics and gynecology
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2024.05.045
Katherine T Chen 1 , Celeste S Royce 2 , Laura Baecher-Lind 3 , Rashmi Bhargava 4 , Angela Fleming 5 , Helen Kang Morgan 6 , Christopher M Morosky 7 , Jonathan A Schaffir 8 , Shireen Madani Sims 9 , Tammy Sonn 10 , Jill M Sutton 11 , Alyssa Stephenson-Famy 12 , ,

Faculty career advisors who guide applicants applying to obstetrics and gynecology residency programs need updated information and resources, given the constant changes and challenges to the residency application process. Initial changes included standardization of the application timeline and interview processes. More recent changes included the utilization of a standardized letter of evaluation, initiation of program signaling, second look visit guidelines, and updated sections in the Electronic Residency Application Service. Challenges in advising include the unmatched applicant and the applicant who is couples matching in the era of program signaling. Additional considerations include applying with the current status of reproductive health law restrictions and preparing for a new residency application platform. The Undergraduate Medical Education Committee of the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics provides this updated guide of the prior 2021 resource for advisors to increase confidence in advising students, boost professional fulfillment with advising activities, and aid in satisfaction with advising resources. This guide covers the continuing challenges and future opportunities in the resident application process.



鉴于住院医师申请流程的不断变化和挑战,指导申请人申请妇产科住院医师计划的教师职业顾问需要更新的信息和资源。最初的变化包括申请时间表和面试流程的标准化。最近的变化包括使用标准化评估信、启动程序信号、复查指南以及电子居留申请服务中的更新部分。在节目信号时代,咨询面临的挑战包括不匹配的申请人和情侣匹配的申请人。其他考虑因素包括申请当前的生殖健康法限制以及准备新的居住申请平台。妇产科教授协会本科医学教育委员会为顾问提供了 2021 年之前资源的更新指南,以增强为学生提供咨询的信心,通过咨询活动提高专业成就感,并帮助提高对咨询资源的满意度。本指南涵盖了居民申请过程中持续存在的挑战和未来的机遇。