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Consumer wearables and personal devices for tracking the fertile window
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2024.05.028
Sarah C Cromack 1 , Jessica R Walter 1

The market for technology that tracks ovulation to promote conception is rapidly expanding in the United States, targeting the growing audience of technologically proficient, reproductive-age female consumers. In this narrative review, 23 different, nonprescription wearables and devices designed to help women track their fertile window were identified as currently, commercially available in the United States. The majority of these utilize measurements of basal body temperature or combinations of various urinary hormones. This clinical opinion characterizes the scant available research validating the accuracy of these technologies. It further examines research oversight, discusses the utility of these wearables and devices to consumers, and considers these technologies through an equity lens. The discussion concludes with a call for innovation, describing promising new technologies that not only harness unique physiologic parameters to predict ovulation, but also focus on cost-effectiveness with the hope of increasing access to these currently costly devices and wearables.



在美国,追踪排卵以促进受孕的技术市场正在迅速扩大,目标受众是越来越多的精通技术的育龄女性消费者。在这篇叙述性评论中,目前在美国有 23 种不同的非处方可穿戴设备和设备,旨在帮助女性追踪她们的受孕窗口期。其中大多数利用基础体温或各种泌尿激素组合的测量。这种临床观点的特点是验证这些技术准确性的现有研究很少。它进一步审查了研究监督,讨论了这些可穿戴设备和设备对消费者的效用,并通过公平的角度考虑这些技术。讨论最后呼吁创新,描述了有前途的新技术,这些技术不仅利用独特的生理参数来预测排卵,而且还注重成本效益,希望增加对这些目前昂贵的设备和可穿戴设备的使用。