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The rail-road Dial-a-Ride problem
European Journal of Operational Research ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2024.05.036
Jean Jodeau , Nabil Absi , Rémy Chevrier , Dominique Feillet

This paper addresses an original static Dial-A-Ride service designed for sparsely populated areas. The service relies on vehicles capable of switching between the road and an existing vacant railway network, which induces railway scheduling constraints that must be integrated into the solution algorithm. In the context of the static Dial-A-Ride Problem (DARP), a set of known users must be picked up and dropped off to desired locations while adhering to time windows at nodes and maximal riding time constraints. In our problem, there are additional constraints related to the vehicles when they operate on the rail, creating interdependencies between trips.



本文提出了一种专为人口稀少地区设计的原始静态电话叫车服务。该服务依赖于能够在公路和现有空置铁路网络之间切换的车辆,这会产生铁路调度约束,必须将其集成到解决算法中。在静态拨号乘车问题 (DARP) 的背景下,必须将一组已知用户接送到所需位置,同时遵守节点的时间窗口和最大乘车时间限制。在我们的问题中,当车辆在铁路上运行时,存在与车辆相关的额外约束,从而在行程之间产生相互依赖性。