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Recent developments in materials and applications of triplet dynamic nuclear polarization
Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pnmrs.2024.05.001
Tomoyuki Hamachi 1 , Nobuhiro Yanai 2

Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a method for achieving high levels of nuclear spin polarization by transferring spin polarization from electrons to nuclei by microwave irradiation, resulting in higher sensitivity in NMR/MRI. In particular, DNP using photoexcited triplet electron spins (triplet-DNP) can provide a hyperpolarized nuclear spin state at room temperature and in low magnetic field. In this review article, we highlight recent developments in materials and instrumentation for the application of triplet-DNP. First, a brief history and principles of triplet-DNP will be presented. Next, important advances in recent years will be outlined: new materials to hyperpolarize water and biomolecules; high-sensitivity solution NMR by dissolution triplet-DNP; and strategies for further improvement of the polarization. In view of these developments, future directions to widen the range of applications of triplet-DNP will be discussed.



动态核极化 (DNP) 是一种通过微波辐射将自旋极化从电子转移到原子核来实现高水平核自旋极化的方法,从而提高 NMR/MRI 的灵敏度。特别是,使用光激发三重态电子自旋的DNP(三重态DNP)可以在室温和低磁场下提供超极化核自旋状态。在这篇综述文章中,我们重点介绍了三重态 DNP 应用的材料和仪器的最新发展。首先,将介绍三重态 DNP 的简要历史和原理。接下来,将概述近年来的重要进展:超极化水和生物分子的新材料;通过溶解三重态-DNP 进行高灵敏度溶液 NMR;以及进一步改善两极分化的策略。鉴于这些进展,将讨论扩大三重态 DNP 应用范围的未来方向。