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Interreader and Intrareader Reproducibility of 18F-Flotufolastat Image Interpretation in Patients with Newly Diagnosed or Recurrent Prostate Cancer: Data from Two Phase 3 Prospective Multicenter Studies
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-01 , DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.123.267306
Phillip H Kuo 1 , Giuseppe Esposito 2 , Gary A Ulaner 3, 4 , Don Yoo 5 , Katherine Zukotynski 6 , Gregory C Ravizzini 7 , Ross Penny 8 , Matthew P Miller 8 , Albert Chau 8 , Phillip Davis 9 , Brian F Chapin 10 , David M Schuster 11 ,

Interreader and intrareader reproducibility of 18F-flotufolastat PET/CT scans in newly diagnosed and recurrent prostate cancer patients was assessed from masked image evaluations from two phase 3 studies. Methods: 18F-flotufolastat PET/CT images of newly diagnosed (n = 352) or recurrent (n = 389) patients were evaluated by 3 masked readers. Cohen was used to assess pairwise patient- and region-level interreader agreement. Agreement among all readers was assessed using Fleiss . Intrareader agreement between the first and repeat read (20% of images, ≥4 wk later) was assessed using Cohen . Results: Pairwise interreader agreement was 95% or better (newly diagnosed) and 75% or better (recurrent). The coefficients were impacted by the high-agreement–low- paradox: Cohen ranged from not estimable to 0.55, whereas Fleiss was 0.50 (newly diagnosed) and 0.41 (recurrent). Agreement was highest in the prostate of newly diagnosed patients (≥95%) and in the pelvic lymph nodes in recurrent patients (≥87%). Intrareader agreement was 86% or better across both populations. Conclusion: 18F-flotufolastat PET/CT images can be reliably interpreted, with a high degree of inter- and intrareader agreement.


新诊断或复发前列腺癌患者中 18F-Flotufolastat 图像判读的读者间和读者内再现性:来自两项 3 期前瞻性多中心研究的数据

根据两项 3 期研究的遮蔽图像评估,评估了新诊断和复发前列腺癌患者的18 F-flotufolastat PET/CT 扫描的读者间和读者内再现性。方法:由 3 名蒙面读片员对18 幅新诊断 ( n = 352) 或复发 ( n = 389) 患者的 F-氟洛司他 PET/CT 图像进行评估。 Cohen 用于评估成对患者和区域级别的读者间一致性。使用 Fleiss 评估所有读者之间的一致性。使用 Cohen 评估首次读取和重复读取(图像的 20%,≥4 周后)之间的读取器内一致性。结果:配对读者一致性为 95% 或更高(新诊断)和 75% 或更高(复发)。系数受到高一致性低悖论的影响:Cohen 的范围从不可估计到 0.55,而 Fleiss 为 0.50(新诊断)和 0.41(复发)。新诊断患者的前列腺(≥95%)和复发患者的盆腔淋巴结(≥87%)的一致性最高。两个群体的读者内部一致性为 86% 或更高。结论: 18 F-flotufolastat PET/CT 图像可以可靠地解读,并且阅读器间和阅读器内具有高度一致性。
