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Coastal cultural ecosystem services and adolescents’ subjective well-being
Ambio ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-024-02043-2
David Cabana , Stefania Pinna , Simone Farina , Daniele Grech , Nicholas Barbieri , Ivan Guala

Despite growing recognition of nature’s impact on mental health, its specific effects on adolescents remain unclear. This gap hinders effective strategies for youth well-being in a world facing increasing environmental pressures. This study directly investigates the connections between coastal environments and subjective well-being in adolescents. We explore how interactions with coastal landscapes and associated cultural ecosystem services contribute to both personal and social dimensions of well-being in a sample of 202 adolescents (16 and 17 years old) from Sardinia, Italy. Our findings reveal a beneficial impact of coastal experiences, promoting positive affect, social integration, and physiological well-being. However, human pressures on these environments can lead to negative affect, while fostering a sense of social contribution. This research highlights the complex interplay between coastal environments, human impacts, and teenagers’ well-being. Understanding these links empowers planners to craft coastal management strategies that balance adolescents’ well-being with the long-term sustainability of coastal regions.



尽管人们越来越认识到自然对心理健康的影响,但其对青少年的具体影响仍不清楚。在面临日益增加的环境压力的世界中,这一差距阻碍了青年福祉的有效战略。这项研究直接调查了沿海环境与青少年主观幸福感之间的联系。我们以来自意大利撒丁岛的 202 名青少年(16 岁和 17 岁)为样本,探讨了与沿海景观和相关文化生态系统服务的相互作用如何促进个人和社会层面的福祉。我们的研究结果揭示了沿海体验的有益影响,促进积极情绪、社会融合和生理健康。然而,人类对这些环境的压力可能会导致负面影响,同时培养社会贡献感。这项研究强调了沿海环境、人类影响和青少年福祉之间复杂的相互作用。了解这些联系使规划者能够制定沿海管理战略,平衡青少年的福祉与沿海地区的长期可持续性。
