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Star-by-star dynamical evolution of the physical pair of the Collinder 135 and UBC 7 open clusters⋆
Astronomy & Astrophysics ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-14 , DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202348978
Maryna Ishchenko , Dana A. Kovaleva , Peter Berczik , Nina V. Kharchenko , Anatoly E. Piskunov , Evgeny Polyachenko , Ekaterina Postnikova , Andreas Just , Olga Borodina , Chingis Omarov , Olexandr Sobodar

Context. In a previous paper using Gaia DR2 data, we demonstrated that the two closely situated open clusters Collinder 135 and UBC 7 might have formed together about 50 Myr ago.Aims. In this work, we performed star-by-star dynamical modelling of the evolution of the open clusters Collinder 135 and UBC 7 from their supposed initial state to their present-day state, reproducing observational distributions of members.Methods. Modelling of the Collinder 135 and UBC 7 dynamical evolution was done using the high-order parallel N-body code φ-GPU with up-to-date stellar evolution. Membership and characteristics of the clusters were acquired based on Gaia DR3 data.Results. The comparison of the present-day radial cumulative star count obtained from the N-body simulations with the current observational data gave us full consistency of the model with observational data, especially in the central 8 pc, where 80% of the stars reside. The proper motion velocity components obtained from the N-body simulations of the stars are also quite consistent with the observed distributions and error bars.Conclusions. These results show that our numerical modelling is able to reproduce the open clusters’ current complex 6D observed phase-space distributions with a high level of confidence. Thus, the model demonstrates that the hypothesis of a common origin of Collinder 135 and UBC 7 complies with present-day observational data.


Collinder 135 和 UBC 7 疏散星团物理对的逐星动态演化⋆

语境。在之前使用 Gaia DR2 数据的论文中,我们证明了两个距离很近的疏散星团 Collinder 135 和 UBC 7 可能是在大约 50 Myr 前形成的。在这项工作中,我们对疏散星团 Collinder 135 和 UBC 7 从假定的初始状态到当前状态的演化进行了逐颗恒星的动力学建模,再现了成员的观测分布。 Collinder 135 和 UBC 7 动力学演化的建模是使用具有最新恒星演化的高阶并行 N 体代码 φ-GPU 完成的。集群的成员资格和特征是根据 Gaia DR3 数据获得的。结果。将 N 体模拟获得的当前径向累积恒星数与当前观测数据进行比较,使我们的模型与观测数据完全一致,特别是在中央 8 颗星,这里有 80% 的恒星。恒星N体模拟得到的自行速度分量也与观测到的分布和误差条非常一致。结论。这些结果表明,我们的数值模型能够以高置信度重现疏散星团当前复杂的 6D 观测相空间分布。因此,该模型表明 Collinder 135 和 UBC 7 具有共同起源的假设符合当今的观测数据。