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Scientists in exile
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-13 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adq9574
Gary E. Machlis 1 , Franklin A. Carrero-Martinez 2

Since 2001, the United Nations has designated 20 June as World Refugee Day. It seeks to raise awareness of refugees—currently estimated to be more than 114 million persons internally displaced, exiled, or on the move—and the often-harsh conditions they confront around the world. Among them are scientists, giving the scientific community a special responsibility to protect and support these colleagues. It is not just scientists and their families whose lives are disrupted, but science as an enterprise as well.



自2001年起,联合国将6月20日定为世界难民日。它旨在提高人们对难民(目前估计有超过 1.14 亿境内流离失所者、流亡者或流动者)以及他们在世界各地所面临的严峻条件的认识。其中包括科学家,科学界负有保护和支持这些同事的特殊责任。不仅科学家及其家人的生活受到干扰,科学作为一项事业也受到干扰。