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Is detection of disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug treatment more effective when performing cartilage morphometry without blinding to MR image acquisition order?
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2024.05.012
Felix Eckstein 1 , Anna Wisser 1 , Susanne Maschek 1 , Wolfgang Wirth 1 , Christoph Ladel 2 , Asger Reinstrup Bihlet 3 , Chris Knight 4 , Kenneth Somberg 4 , Luping Zhao 4

We here explore whether observed treatment effects of a putative disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD) are greater when cartilage morphometry is performed with rather than without knowledge of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquisition order (unblinded/blinded to time point).


在不盲从 MR 图像采集顺序的情况下进行软骨形态测量时,检测缓解疾病的骨关节炎药物治疗是否更有效?

我们在此探讨,当在了解磁共振成像 (MRI) 采集顺序(非盲/对时间点盲)的情况下进行软骨形态测量时,观察到的假定的疾病缓解骨关节炎药物 (DMOAD) 的治疗效果是否会更大。